3-Legged Cat Press

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Words and Pictures Curled Up Together Like Two Cats

I’ve probably mentioned before that my lady refers to me and my sister Cassie as The Bookend Bunch. This is because we often sit or lie opposite from one another in the exact same position. But sometimes we cuddle like two kittens, our tails braided together, so it’s difficult to tell where I begin and Cassie ends. It’s as if we’re one animal with two beating hearts. Today’s artist is like that too. Jerry Dreesen blends haiku with Asian-influenced brush style paintings to create another beautiful animal of art known as the haiga. If you’d like to encounter this rare beast, visit Jerry’s blog. You never know what you’ll find. Believe me, I speak from experience. I found one picture that looks unmistakably like your favorite poetry and art-loving kitty cat! Hmmm, wonder who that could be? =^-.-^=