3-Legged Cat Press

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Welcome to 3-Legged Cat Press

Greetings! I am Tiger, the editor, foot-warmer, keyboard duster, and all-around cute mascot of 3-Legged Cat Press.

What's 3-Legged Press, you ask? We are a small underground publisher, based in Indianapolis, Indiana, U.S.A., that's low on budget but full of spirit. We opened up shop less than a week ago, but we've already released one book. (More about that later.) We exist to spread the word about talented writers you've never heard of and books you probably won't find in your local Borders or Barnes & Noble. We root for Underdogs! The Space Puppies would be pleased. (More about them later.) But we still revere the geniuses and veterans, without whom we would have no inspiration. We're also here to share our love for all forms of writing, from poetry and fiction to live journals and blogs. You'll never know what to find here, so check back often. New poetry forms to try out, cool blogs and communities we've discovered, writer showcases, cool events to check out, books to read...the sky's the limit! (Yes, we even let overused cliches slip out occasionally.) We're a little biased toward cats, so expect lots of kitty-related posts. (Cat writing, cats needing homes, cute cat pictures, grassroots organizations dedicated to cats, etc.) But we do not discriminate on the basis of anything (you know the EOE drill), so even cat-haters are welcome here. Just don't make us cry, or we'll scratch your eyeballs out. (Caveat emptor) And, in case you haven't noticed, we are obsessed with parentheses. This is a habit that's hard to shake, but we'll try to do better. This blog is edited by a cat, after all, and typing with paws is hell. (Believe me.) Since we are copycats at heart (Jake Magazine is our hero), we hope to eventually start our own magazine so all the aspiring kittens out there can share their words with the world. So don't sit in your litterbox and read the newspaper all day, waiting for that big break. Cover up your poop, I mean, polish your work and get ready...3-Legged Cat Magazine is coming. (Eventually.)

Check back soon for more info about our first book release, another cat-themed press headed by a Pulitzer Prize-nominated poet, a book review of William Burroughs' The Cat Inside and much, much more.

This is your buddy Tiger, signing off to go curl up in a ball and dream about juicy spiders sizzling in silver champagne glasses.