3-Legged Cat Press

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

The Bookend Bunch

Hello, Tiger here. Sorry I've been gone for so long. Catnip abuse can do that to you. (Waits for laughs. Waits longer. Tries to think of a more clever joke. Mind glazes over. Clears throat.)

Anyway, my lady likes to call me and my sister Cassie the Bookend Bunch because we're so in tune with each other that we can often be found lying, sitting or standing in the exact same position. Sometimes we face each other, much like mirror images or bookends.

Cats and books. "You can't have one without the other," my lady says. "Nothing soothes the soul more than a book in your hands and a cat curled up in your lap."

Speaking of books, my lady recently finished reading the new Harry Potter book. Some people say it's a children's book and can't understand why she loves it so much. Maybe she's just a big kid at heart who will never grow up, but we still love her.

We also love the library, although we've never set foot in one. Cats, however, are not strangers to the library. Have you ever heard of a library cat? We never did until our lady found a video at her favorite haunt (the library, of course...duh) and brought it home for us to watch. Cassie isn't much of a couch potato, but I love to watch TV so I filled her in on the show. According to Puss in Boots: Adventures of the Library Cat, a film by Gary Roma of Iron Frog Productions, hundreds of library cats have prowled the stacks of libraries around the world. These kitties have made lots of friends and even inspired an elementary school classroom to start their own library cat fan club, but this story is not without controversy. Some people with cat allergies and phobias have spoken out against their local libraries. Sadly, some fanatical cat lovers were not very understanding, even going so far as leaving dead mice in mailboxes. It's impossible to keep everybody happy, but the libraries have done everything in their power to accommodate the wishes of all patrons.

If you'd like to learn more about library cats, visit Iron Frog Productions


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